26 Jun 08

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Storms...or were they?

A funny old day, this one. The air had an tropical feel about it; early in the afternoon we could see what appeared to be huge anvil clouds drifting off into space without being attached to any feeder clouds, as if there had been just enough energy to form the anvil before the convection simply gave up. Never one to let the weather get in the way of a decent flight, I packed the sandwiches and Ariane and I set off for the parcours. Cloudbase wasn't that high over les Monges, but a step in the base to the east was enough to get us to Blayeul and away.

Lac Ste Croix

As we reached the parcours we noticed the cloud was almost down on the top of Dormillouse, so we decided to fly south first to give it a chance to rise. Conditions up to the gorges du Verdon were good, but south of that, although the clouds all looked good, none of them actually offered anything in the way of decent lift. It was only when we turned back from the south of the lake and reached the Serre Montdenier that we found good lift again. Must be the mountains then...
We ran back up the parcours and across to Guillaume and the tete de Lucy, neither of which was working that well. We decided to fly via Chabrieres to the pic de Bure, which today was wearing an enormous cloudy hat with the start of an anvil on the top. The sunshine round the edges were still giving good cumulus, however, and we had no problem touring around the mountain and on to the ridges by Aspres and Serres.

Pic de Bure, under a very tall cloud

Jean Cosnard checks the meat in the provencale style

Back on the ground, the club was preparing its monthly barbecue (it used to be weekly, but le Janus restaurant got a bit sniffy about club members choosing to eat club meals on club premises...).

And what were we going to get get for our 6€? Aperitifs with assorted nibbles, saucisson, olives and tapenade; followed by BBQ'd pork with a sort of potato salad mixed with lardons; and then cheese; and fruit tart; and coffee. Oh - and all the wine one could possibly want.

An extra treat for tonight was the surprise appearance of the Spirits of New Orleans, a five-piece jazz band fronted by the ebullient Pierre Bourgeois, who has a disconcerting habit of popping up out of nowhere. The last time we saw him was at the Valernes paella night, and the time before was at the Ribiers pizza and paella night, and now at the club's barbecue ... (hang on, can I see a common thread here...?).


The band

Pierre: "Do I smell food?"
The band was excellent, and played for almost the whole evening. Pierre, ever the showman, obviously loves the music he is playing and for us, watching and listening, it turned out to be a fabulous evening. They had also brought along with them a few dozen copies of their latest CD, Basin Street Promenade. Yes, ok, I'll admit that we bought one...see www.spiritofneworleans.fr for more.

And, once again, just as it got dark, Jean Cosnard whipped out his illuminated model aeroplane and gave us another excellent display (although, regrettably, Celine Dion had apparently still not gone down with the ship).


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