28 Jun 09

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Encore Prachaval
The club was very quiet today - it was a change-over weekend and the Regionals caravan had departed (all four of them), so there would be no problem getting a launch on demand. Ours happened to be a training flight for a new tuggie, which meant a 2-up tug and a v-e-r-y slow tow to Trainon. We did get a good climb there and were soon on the parcours, passing the ever-so-useful Seyne airfield on the way. Cloudbase 9500ft, prospects good.

Seyne Airfield


ASH25 over Morgon

Another good climb at the tete de Lucy allowed us to pass into the St Crepin valley via the col des terres blanches, where my master plan started to unravel. I headed for some good looking clouds at the tete d'Amont, but was unable to get a climb. Then the glacier blanc - ditto. So we beat a retreat to Prachaval to stay airborne. After gaining some height we had another go at the tete de Peyron but again we were unable to climb.
So we were back on Prachaval once more, getting a little stressed under a good looking sky at my inability to make things happen. There's nothing like flying in the mountains to knock one's ego back into shape! Attempt number three got us 9000ft at Prachaval, then a climb in one of the gullies near the tete de Peyron that got us to 11,000ft and away. We took a look at the Maurienne but with low cloud in the next valley we decided against going further north, so we turned the village of Plampinet and headed south, routing past the glacier blanc, the pas de la Cavale and the route royale to get to the tete de Lucy and the parcours.   


We had an excellent ridge run all the way down to the montagne de Coupe where we took our first thermalling turn since crossing the pas de la Cavale. On reaching the Serre Montdenier we found the conditions rather soft, but with the wind on the ridge and a huge cumulus over Puismosson we felt confident enough to round the pont d'Aiguines and had for home. Another standard June day for Sisteron...    

Pont d'Aiguines
