21 Jun 11

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Dashed hopes

Today's disappointment

Great forecast this morning: good thermic conditions all the way to Switzerland, so it was with some enthusiasm that Wendy and I prepared the Duo for an expedition to pastures new.

Eager to avoid a repeat of yesterday's getting-away agony, we towed to Trainon and were rewarded with a cracking climb to 7,000ft or so. 

The route to the parcours was fairly easy after that, although I did feel a degree of trepidation as we approached la Blanche at an altitude rather lower than I was used to. It worked though, and we headed off to the Dormillouse en-route to Morgon and Guillaume. Disappointment emerged in the form of a large storm between pic de Bure and the Ecrins, moving slowly southwards and spreading east, potentially cutting off our retreat if we were to push on into the Maurienne.


We took a climb at the tete de Lucy and worked our way to the eastern Ecrins. The storm's shadow was now spreading quickly to meet us so, as we reached Briancon, we abandoned thoughts of the north and flew to the sunshine over the Queyras where cloubase was a healthy 11,500ft.  

Today's fun

Flying into the Barcelonette valley along the peaks to the east of the cols de Vars, we worked around the horseshoe to Mont Pelat for a look at the lac d'Allos. Then, back to the parcours where we decided to follow the streets towards the pic de Bure, from which the storm had by now departed. 


The Ecrins were still getting a soaking, so we flew westwards past the pic de Bure towards the Obiou ridge which overlooks the col de la Croix Haute and the road to Grenoble. We briefly considered visiting the Glandasse but thought better of it, and then decided to call it a day and flew back home. Not the full experience day we had planned at briefing, but a great day out nevertheless - thanks, Wendy, for the company.

As a postscript, we both thought that today's clouds looked rather odd; working cumulus with lenticular caps while the wind speed was generally less than five knots from all around the clock.

Cotton wool and flying saucers

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